Outfitters and Shuttle Services

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Page last updated Monday, April 27, 2020 — Major update from 2012 information to April 2020. Be aware that because of the current crisis (spring 2020) several of these services may not survive. Please let up know what should be updated by using the Feedback Form.

Amtrak, Connellsville, PA 800 872-7245 https://www.amtrak.com/servlet/ContentServer?pagename=am/am2Station/Station_Page&code=COV
Train service between Washington, DC and Pittsburgh, PA and many points between. There is roll-on, roll-off service for all stations, bur advance reservations are necessary.

Bike the Great Allegheny Passage is Golden Triangle Bike, Pittsburgh, PA 412 600-0675 http://www.bikethegreatalleghenypassage.com/
Same as Golden Triangle Bike Rental

Bike-the-Gap.com, Pittsburgh, PA 412-303-0566
now called Noble Invention Bike Touring

Fernwalk Vacation Rental, Addison, PA 215 313-0112 http://www.fernwalk.com/

Golden Triangle Rental, Pittsburgh, PA 412 600-0675 http://www.goldentrianglebike.com/ info@goldentrianglebike.com
Bike Rental and tours on the GAP and C & O

Inn at Westside, Confluence, PA 814 395-8773 https://book.hostfully.com/confluence-concierge/property-details/52bef89e-da90-4490-be89-7444cf77940c/hot-tub%21-book-now-for-spring-and-summer%21

Maple Leaf Outfitters, Meyersdale, PA 814 701-8080 https://www.mapleleafoutfitters.net/ mlotfitters@comcast.net
luggage transfer, trip planning on the GAP

Mountain Fresh Stayhouse, Rockwood, PA 814 233-1985 https://showtimeentertainmentpa.com/lodging

Mountainside Bike Tours, Cumberland, MD 301 722-4887 http://www.mountainsidebiketours.us/ mountainsidebikes@gmail.com
Bike tour packages along the C&O and the GAP for groups of 2 to 20

Noble Invention Bike Touring, Pittsburgh, PA 844 424-5342 https://www.nobleinventionbiketouring.com/
Planning help for bike tours on the GAP. Bicycle and walking tours of Pittsburgh

Ohiopyle Coffee Roasters, Mill Run, PA 724 562-2602 https://www.ohiopylecoffee.com/

Ohiopyle Trading Post, Ohiopyle, PA 724 329-1450 http://www.ohiopyletradingpost.com/ info@ohiopyletradingpost.com
Pedal-Paddle packages on the Middle Yough. Also bicycle rentals in Ohiopyle.

Paddler's Lane Retreat, Confluence, PA 814 964-0410 https://www.paddlerslane.com/ dunnmorr@earthlink.net

Port Authority of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh, PA 412-442-2000 https://www.portauthority.org/
All Pittsburgh city busses now have bike racks for two standard upright bikes. Services airport

River View Kitchenettes, Confluence, PA 814 395-5682 https://www.riverviewkitchenettes.com/ timterus@aol.com

Sunshine Luggage Shuttle, Confluence, PA 814 279-5333 http://www.sunshineluggageshuttle.com/
Transporting/Transferring Luggage on the GAP and the C & O

The Bear Paw Cabin, Confluence, PA 703 201-4902 http://www.vacationhomerentals.com/Confluence/proID-39951/

The Dacha, Cumberland, MD 202 794-8507 https://dacha.world/

The GAP Trailside Inn (of Morguen Toole Co.), Meyersdale, PA 814 233-1991 https://www.gaptrailsideinn.com/

The House at Confluence, Confluence, PA 724 875-6951 https://www.visitconfluence.info/local_accommodations/the-house-at-confluence/ jklm159@adelphia.net

The Turkeyfoot Inn, Confluence, PA 814 312-3806 http://theturkeyfootinn.com/

Wheelzup at Canal Place, Cumberland, MD 301 777-8724 https://www.wheelzupadventures.com/ no email
Local shuttles from Cumberland. Also bike rentals, repairs and sales.

White Water Adventurers, Ohiopyle, PA 724 329-8850 http://www.wwaraft.com/ info@wwaraft.com

Wilderness Voyageurs Rafting & Bike Tours, Ohiopyle, PA 800 272-4141 https://wilderness-voyageurs.com/
Bike tours for seniors on the GAP, C & O and other trails

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