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Order Linking Up

You have been reading the web pages about planning your trip between Washington, DC and Pittsburgh, PA.  This information is copied from the book Linking Up: Planning Your Traffic Free Trip between Pittsburgh, Pa and Washington, DC.

This 48 page booklet is available direct from the authors for $4.00 + $2.50 Sales Tax/Shipping/Handling and from for $4.00 + 3.99 shipping + tax . All proceeds are donated to trail development.

Send a check for $6.50 to:

Shaw-Weil Associates,
PO Box 81635
Pittsburgh, Pa 15217


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You are visiting Linking Up, copyright © 1999,2002,2007 by Mary Shaw and Roy Weil. We encourage you to link to these pages or print copies for personal use. However, if you want to copy the material for any other use, you must ask us first. The contents of these web pages is also available in a book. See other outdoor publications by the authors. Page last updated May 07, 2008